Lets face it.. Any musician in the business of making music and wanting to make money should strongly consider obtaining a manager in some way in 2021. Weather your a 13 year old with mum or dad for help, or your 20 something and your gf or bf has too much time to hang, these are possible candidates to be a manager!! As musicians we really just want to flex our passion and create, while someone else can do the answering of business emails, engage with the audience on social media, scheduling of public relations, do promotions, website updates and whatever else it takes get get us artist to be free to get fans and music revenue.

As much as we are creatives at heart, the music industry is actually the music business. Key word business. Business can be tough and with many facets that can wrangle a creative artist into the legal world, the financial aspects, booking agents, all to just license music and do gigs to make money. You’ll need some type of manager if you truly want to grip onto your craft and become the musical genius you know you have inside.
Finding the right manager might not be easy and you’ll probably need someone who speaks to your mission and goals, not just cramping your style all in the name of the “dollar dollar bill yo.”
Go to the next page and check out the list of the best type of artist managers for independent artist to grow!!