Is it worth it?? Once I had the best studio session since a long time.. Friends who weren’t into music were in the studio. They also had guest with them so I actually had an audience who hadn’t heard my work before. I had the partner in the studio and normally i’m buried in my headphones mixing what I hope to be the next world changing song, so she was happy a mix was finished and i was just enjoying the music for once.

Lets just say it turned into a party. Drinks were far from the equipment so it wasn’t a drink problem.. Food was far from the equipment.. So it wasn’t the food. Once we had all left and continued the good vibes outside in a London club and then night carried on into the early morning. However early in the morning I was unfortunate what looked like I came back to a break in. I was heart broken. They had enough time to take the monitors, the speakers sound card and even my best headphones which I knew how to mix like Beethoven on. Sinking feelings and upsetting thought circled me for days. Luckily I had my exported my best songs and uploaded them to Soundcloud and youtube so I was able to hear it again. The equipment I was being to calculate in my mind and running into the 1000’s. Realizing over the years I had built up an in-house collection of some expensive equipment. How could I have been so responsible and actually had insurance!? I had a over baring sister who had also bought be a pair of Dre Beats headphones and advised that I got studio equipment insurance because she had no attachment to the vibe.. Just the price. I followed suit and just bit the bullet and it was technically cheap at £30 for the whole year! Lucky for me I was able to get back every piece of equipment (at upgraded versions) and a little piece of mind that I didn’t have replace them all again! Click here and do get your piece of mind guaranteed not to regret it guys!!